Helping Teens and Young Adults Cope with Rejection I think some rejection is helpful. It can show us where we need to improve. It can help us build resilience. It can teach us how to be persistent. However, children with developmental trauma and experience with the foster care system often internalize rejection on a much deeper level.


Self-Sabotage as a Trauma Response in Children and How to Stop It

There are also subconscious versions of self-sabotage. It looks like being so perfectionistic that we never publish that article or that book because it’s “not ready yet,” or starting fights with our partner the week before they leave for an extended work trip. Underneath the perfectionist behavior, maybe we believe


When Mother’s Day Hurts

I’m just going to say it, Mother’s Day sucks for some people. As this day approaches each year, a familiar feeling creeps over me. It initially appears as irritability and fatigue but eventually reveals itself as my old friend grief. I lost my mom suddenly in 2005 and later became


6 Mental Health Myths to Say Goodbye to in 2023

As a trauma therapist, I often encounter beliefs amongst the general public about mental health and child psychology that aren’t true or are misunderstood. Since it’s a new year, I rounded up a list of the worst offenders to see if we can do a collective pruning of some of


Video: How to Help Children Cope with Narcissistic Parents

A video on trauma-responsive and healing-centered care to help children cope with narcissistic/abusive parents. Warning: I discuss general concepts around child abuse but don’t share any graphic details. This content is for adults only, and I don’t recommend listening to it out loud with children in the room. As a

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