When Mother’s Day Hurts

I’m just going to say it, Mother’s Day sucks for some people. As this day approaches each year, a familiar feeling creeps over me. It initially appears as irritability and fatigue but eventually reveals itself as my old friend grief. I lost my mom suddenly in 2005 and later became


6 Mental Health Myths to Say Goodbye to in 2023

As a trauma therapist, I often encounter beliefs amongst the general public about mental health and child psychology that aren’t true or are misunderstood. Since it’s a new year, I rounded up a list of the worst offenders to see if we can do a collective pruning of some of


Video: How to Help Children Cope with Narcissistic Parents

A video on trauma-responsive and healing-centered care to help children cope with narcissistic/abusive parents. Warning: I discuss general concepts around child abuse but don’t share any graphic details. This content is for adults only, and I don’t recommend listening to it out loud with children in the room. As a


The May Childhood Trauma Newsletter

What’s on my mind? Spring is in full swing where I live, and getting outside more is doing wonders for my nervous system. On the other hand, allergies!! I’m so tired that I feel like I need a nap every day. Since I don’t have the time to do that,

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